Saturday, February 11, 2012

Drifter out of the cage

Well today I left my first stop as a wwoofer and moved into a Hostel in Guadalajara. While am happy to be in a place where I can be myself, you know a loud, brash, drunken druggie, I was a little sad to be leaving the place I was staying. The place really opened up in the last few days with the arrival of 3 more people, and while I saw how differently they were treated, I was still happy. I guess its because the people I was staying with seemed to come out of their shells as more Krishnas showed up. There was chanting and music it was nice to be in a spiritual environment again, even if I do not agree with some of the principles because after all some belief is better than no belief. I am in the city now plan on doing a Tequila tour tommorrow and wresting on Tuesday, but first I am going to smoke, cuss, eat meat, and drink the rainy ass night away. Maybe I can find some drugs as well. Speaking of "drugs", I have been looking at property in Northern Arizona thinking about strarting my homestead soon, like April. Setup the fifth wheel, add a couple windmills and panels, and build a grow room, subsist on helping cancer patients and maybe 20 hours a week at the home depot (need the discount) in Kingman. I hope you guys are having a good time hope My Pals at are good, visit their site.
It should be a busy week full of Drifter debauchery. Love you all.

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